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Kate Giblin at 715-346-1401


Aging Advocacy Day

Save the Date! 

May 13, 2025

To learn more about Aging Advocacy Day please click the link below to be taken to the GWAAR website.

Aging Advocacy Information

What is WAAN?

Wisconsin Aging Advocacy Network

WAAN's Mission Statement

The Wisconsin Aging Advocacy Network (WAAN) is a collaboration of organizations and individuals working with and for Wisconsin’s older adults to shape public policy and improve the quality of life for older people. WAAN advocates for all older adults by educating the community and policy makers on particular issues impacting older adults; mobilizing people on priority issues; and advocating for change.

WAAN Orginization and Structure

Membership in WAAN consists of two types: core (organizations funded under the Older Americans Act) and affiliate (other groups and individuals with an interest in and commitment to advocacy on behalf of older people). Core members vote on and adopt WAAN platform of priority issues. Potential new members will be approved on consensus of the WAAN membership. WAAN affirms that older adults should always be at the table in discussion that impacts them. WAAN holds monthly meetings of core members and affiliates to discuss, strategize, and coordinate advocacy activities.

More Information on WAAN

How to Host an In-District Aging Advocacy Day Event

We wanted to share a great advocacy and training opportunity to learn how to host local aging advocacy meetings for seniors to meet with their elected representatives. Here you can share issue briefs from Aging Advocacy Day as well as other concerns your community of older adults might have. Meetings can be simple open houses, fireside chat style or part of another event. Whatever works for you!

Below is a recording of the training event so you can host your own event.

We also have sample flyers for you to build your own from.

Wisconsin State Legislator Contact Information

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Proposed Voting Bills 

The is a great deal of legislation being proposed around voting. Click below to learn more about each bill. If you feel passionately about this issue in general or one of the proposed bills personally affects you or someone you know, contact your legislature and share your story.

 Learn more here

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